Completion of the data form below is the all-important first step in enabling Collegiate Funding Solutions to help you put a plan in place that will result in you saving on and not just for college costs

Simple steps to helping you solve your college funding concerns

  •    Schedule your appointment with Derenda King.
  •    Complete and submit the data form below.
  •    During our meeting, we'll present the results and discuss a gameplan that will help you in your efforts to save ON and not just for college costs!

Important notes before completing the dataform:
  1.  Your privacy is of paramount importance to us; therefore, we have taken deliberate steps to safeguard. The data form does not require you to enter any personally identifying information as name, phone number, address etc. The data gathered is only used to generate your college planning report.
  2. The more detail and accuracy you provide in the data form, the more accurate, comprehensive and valuable the results will be. It's well worth answering all the relevant questions in the form.
  3. The form requests data for only one student. If you have other college-bound children you can resubmit the data form with the appropriate changes for each additional college-bound child. Each child will yield a unique college-planning report.
  4. Help icons: are included in the form to provide additional information.