With Collegiate Funding Solutions' Client-Attraction Program!
If you could consistently find, educate, engage and acquire new higher-incomce college-planning clients (parents of college-bound children) in your community and across the country, how much would your business, revenue and success increase?
Introducing, Collegiate Funding Solutions' Client-Attraction Program
The cornerstone of the program is a highly rated educational presentation for parents of college-bound children delivered by CFS and sponsored by you. The educational presentation can yield new clients for you and not just college planning clients, but financial planning and retirement planning clients too!
"CFS' educational video is outstanding! The educational content is just what families need to stack the deck in their favor concerning college costs. Also loved the presenter's subtle referrals to the advisor, to get help applying the information to their circumstances, that were woven into the presentation" Financial Advisor - Bob King
With this unique collaborative approach, CFS leverages our 20 year track record and subject-matter expertise to deliver a great educational presentation for which you'll get all the credit and the resulting new clients that it yields!
How it all comes together:
After you register to participate, you'll receive a unique link to YOUR white-labeled webpage with the video presentation. In order to watch the presentation the prospect must first obtain an activation code, which is emailed to them. Every activation of the presentation will generate a lead for you with the prospect's email address.
See an example of an advisor's white-labeled web-pageCFS will share with you over a dozen practical, simple, cheap and proven ways to promote the presentation through your business, your community and nationally.
We'll educate, inform, motivate and encourage the viewers to schedule a meeting with you to learn how you can help them apply the information from the presentation to their own personal situation to achieve a great outcome for their student and their finances!
Moreover, with CFS-provided capability and support you'll be equipped to apply the information from the presentation to their circumstance. The result is that you'll help them save on - not just for - college costs, avoid suffocating student loan debt and improve their retirement savings outlook. The benefits for your business are wide and varied!
You can use a proven CFS presentation during your meeting to convert motivated prospects to new clients.
Since you'll receive the email addresses for those that access the presentation, you can follow up with them in whatever way suits you.
Now, you have an easily repeatable way to identify and appeal to very targeted prospects (middle and upper-income parents of college-bound children) that have two essential qualities of a great financial services prospect: 1) A non-negotiable deadline - unlike retirement that can be postponed and 2) An emotional motivator - they don't just NEED help, they WANT it!
It's just that simple, easy and turnkey for you.
Moreover, you'll only pay a nominal annual subscription fee for your white-labeled presentation webpage -- irrespective of the number of registrants, viewers, consults and clients it yields!
The result for you? A sustainable strategy to help you GROW your college/financial services business in a highly-sought-after demographic (40-55 year old higher income parents with college-bound children) at a FRACTION of the time, money and effort of conventional and antiquated methods!
Have questions or want to learn more?
Contact Us and a CFS representative will reach out to you!
Available Presentations
Educational Presentation for Parents of College-Bound Students
This is CFS' signature parent presentation and has been delivered by CFS many times and is highly rated by parents. It is proven to yield follow-on meetings with prospects and new clients for advisors!
This presentation is a great option for NEW CFS clients that want to create immediate momentum and growth in their college-planning business, with Gen X and Gen Y parents of college-bound children, for a very modest cost.
During this 45 minute educational presentation, viewers will learn from a nationally recognized expert:
- HOW to get discounts from high priced colleges
- HOW expensive private schools can cost you the same or less than state universities
- TEN MISTAKES parents make that cost them money in lost financial aid and tuition discounts
- WHY EVERY FAMILY irrespective of their financial situation - MUST file the FAFSA, no exceptions!
At the conclusion, we'll refer viewers to YOU for help in applying the information they obtained in the presentation to their own personal situation and circumstances. You'll also receive the valid email addresses for all the viewers.

- Grow your business/income with new clients at a FRACTION of the time, cost and effort of alternative options
- Create goodwill by providing access to top quality educational content on the #1 financial concern for parents with college-bound children
- Prospect for new clients with less time, money and effort
- Deliver new value to exising clients and deepen relationships
- Convert highly motivated prospects (Gen X and Gen Y parents with college-bound children) to clients
- Receive more referrals
- Generate very-targeted leads and requests for appointments
- Stand out from other advisors
To participate:
- If you are already a CFS client, with an active software subscription, your discounted annual subscription fee will be $699. In order to receive the discounted fee, click here to login to your CFS dashboard to validate your subscription status. Once your subscription is validated by successfully logging into your account, you'll be automatically redirected back to this page and will pay the dicounted fee
- If you aren't yet a CFS client now is the perfect time to do so. After subscribing, you can reaccess this page, complete step #1 to register with the discounted fee. Visit CFS' subscription page for subscription options and to get started.
- If you're not ready to be a CFS client but still want to participate, your annual subscription fee will be be $1199. Just complete the registration and payment form below
- You'll receive an email from CFS with YOUR unique link to your presentation page. You'll share this webpage url with all your clients and prospects.
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